Attention Valued Shell FCU Members!

Shell FCU members falling victim to Digital Banking compromises. Fraudsters are calling and texting members while spoofing our official (713) 844-1100 phone number. Do not respond to these texts or calls. Delete the text or hang up immediately. NEVER share your Digital Banking credentials and avoid disclosing personal information with unsolicited callers or texters claiming to be Shell FCU. We will never do this. If in doubt, call Shell FCU at (713) 844-1100. If YOU call us first the number cannot be spoofed, and you know you will be talking to a Shell FCU employee.

NMLS Listing

Individual NMLS ID Individual
401814 *Shell Federal Credit Union
2566860 Aaron Michael Briggs
2371733 Adriana Diena Johnson
687959 Adriana Green
2566857 Alexander Valero
1455948 Alexandra Rosas
2480681 Alexia Lizzet Hernandez
2179168 Alexis Nichole Semien
2597725 Alexis Renee Chicas-Avalos
1113395 Alma Yuriria Lemus
1616991 Alvia Renee Hockaday
1292024 Andrew James Navarro
687454 Angela Colleen Russell
2371742 Angelica Maria Azua
1857129 Anthony Melendez
412239 Ariana Cantu Frayre
2105173 Asael Cruz
2105178 Ashleigh Foreman
1857126 Ashley Contreras
1638548 Ashley Nicole Martinez
2418421 Ashley Reister Ellis
2313904 Aurora Martinez
2654881 Ava Jolie Maya Rainwater Mendez
2418422 Baldemar Olvera
2105197 Brandy Michelle Root
820071 Brenda Verenice Mireles
2654885 Brittanie Renee Murray
1514800 Catey Link Garcia
850838 Christina Iden
932657 Christine Marie Guerrero
423747 Christopher Franco
1070464 Christopher Martinez
412241 Crystal Damian
2057279 Daneshia Fields
412263 David J Tijerina
412383 Deborah Alfred
493544 Delfina Sigaran
1511215 Denise Martinez
2480683 Diana Aracele Avila
940681 Diana N Calderon
1216652 Elda Olivares
2105186 Elida Rashelly Lozano-Maradiaga
412261 Eliezer Rodriguez
1292025 Erica Nicole Martinez
2105195 Erica Raquel Rocha
2371731 Erin Guerrero
2543801 Eunice Alaniz
1157885 Fatima Pereda
2480682 Frida Martinez Rendon
2418428 Genesis Amber Lovos
1857125 Gerardo Torres
1439373 Gi-Sharolyn Turrubiartes
2566855 Giselle Alyssa Guerra
1221118 Glenda Chapa
2542127 Graciela Vallejo
2654882 Idalia Gonzalez
2105194 Irene Lorraine Ramon
2542130 Irsa Elizabeth Vanegas
2597724 Isaiah Joel Alvarez
1292027 Israel Anthony Bocanegra
2105181 Ivonne Herebia
2654878 Janet Noemi Ramirez
2654884 Janiece Eileen Tapia
1806812 Janneth A Morales
1609487 Jasmin Ledezma
1511217 Jasmine Deluna
1902911 Javier I Echevarria
1166861 Jeanette Ramirez Cotton
931462 Jennifer Marie Perez
1971697 Jessica Hall
2480678 Jessica Iris Garcia
851051 Jessica Martinez
2255504 Jesus Flores Jr
1783087 Joanna Gonzalez-Ambriz
2654887 Johana Campos
2566854 Jose Alfred Oliva Jr
1857132 Joselyne Ramos
412254 Juana G Nunez
2480685 Julieta Martinez De Los Santos
412262 Julieta Serrano
2316032 Justin Ovalle
496856 Jynet V Flores
412260 Kara Elise Deason
1478300 Karla Jacquelyn Diaz
2480679 Kassandra Denise Carrizales
1307511 Kerri Leeann Pfeifer
1307513 Kimberly L Elizondo
1705052 Kimberly Nunez
2542128 Kristal Amanda Rodriguez
1221121 Kristina Poe
1954913 Krystle Luna
2597723 Lesly Jailene Correa
2105198 Malorie Jolynn Rosas
931461 Marcus Diaz
2542129 Maria Adriana Fernandez
2654880 Maria Fernanda Alvarez
1511221 Marisa Vargas
2371734 Marissa Angel Alaniz
2371736 Marissa Nicole Gonzales
1609485 Martha Elena Escamilla
412238 Melinda Ann Broussard
972220 Melissa Montenegro Hernandez
1413937 Melissa Salas
2276785 Michael A Escamilla
2566856 Miguel Angel Barril
2480680 Monica Ann Gonzalez
2105191 Nallely Anais Ortega
2105184 Nely Lara
228119 Norma Elizabeth Macias
2105185 Olinda Lozano
2542125 Paola Guadalupe Mariles Gomez
1347225 Perla Castillo
2316030 Phoebe Villarreal
2105170 Randi Alvarez
1097496 Regina Nicole Byrd
2418423 Reina Dariana Jomarron
1647857 Reyna Lara Lagunas
698330 Ricardo Gomez Hernandez
940565 Roberto M Clemente
1164320 Ruby Hilton Rodriguez
1527234 Ryan F Brown
1194966 Ryan Wayne Crawley
2105189 Samantha Montano-Martinez
412257 Sandra M Ramirez
2654879 Sarah Jeanette Ringley
2654877 Sonya Mia Capetillo
2371735 Steaphanie Monique Soto
412265 Steven Wiley
2566864 Tanisha Ledell Rawls
1757192 Thuy Nguyen
2654883 Tiffany Sherlyn Torres
2105187 Tyrell Keith Lynch
2542131 Valeria Ortiz Perez
2480684 Vanessa Mesias
1857130 Victoria Guerra
2223844 William Alexander Reyes
922127 Yasenia G Hernandez
2566858 Yulissa Gonzalez
2105193 Yvonne Portillo
2566859 Zacarias Guadalupe Villalobos
2654888 Zoe Alannah Platt